
Roasted Carrots with Feta and Parsley

It is always great to try something new, right??  It is a really loooooong story, but I don't like cooked carrots.  Well, I guess I don't like them until now! Perhaps it is because in this recipe their taste is masked by the delicious taste of garlic and feta...kidding, kidding.  These carrots are really flavorful, and the smearable garlic and feta make them really fun to eat!

Servings: 4
Serving Size: 1 cup
Points Plus: 3pp
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Level of Difficulty: Easy

4 cups of carrots, peeled and chopped into long chunks (like the picture)
1 head of garlic, with each glove removed and de-shelled
1 T olive oil
1/2 c. low fat feta
Salt + pepper to taste
1/2 cup parsley, finely chopped

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.  Peel carrots and cut them into strips, about 3 inches long.  Place them in a bowl and toss with 1 T olive oil, garlic, and a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper.  Bake them for 20 minutes. Remove them from the oven, mix in the feta, toss them around and bake them for 10 more minutes.  When they are done toss them with parsley and serve! When eating, smear the garlic and feta over the carrots.

It is important to let the carrots bake with the feta for the last 10 minutes.  This make the feta smearable, mmmmmmmmmm.

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