
Kale Chips

Kale is an interesting veggie.  I used to only like it raw, and have yet to find a sautéed recipe that doesn't require a ton of fat.  This recipe however created crispy, crunchy, salty, kale chips by simply roasting them in the oven. Serve these as a side to your lunch or dinner!

Servings: 4
Serving Size: About 2 cups of chips
Point Plus: 2pp
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10-20 minutes
Level of Difficulty: Easy
1 T Olive oil
Garlic salt
Kosher salt

I attempted to make kale chips over the weekend, and will admit, it took me two tries to get the recipe right. The end result however was way worth it!

Simply rip and rinse your kale, dry it off well and the put it into a bowl.  Drizzle in about 1 T of olive oil, a shake of garlic salt and a shake of kosher salt.  Mix kale around until it is shiny, meaning mostly covered in the oil. Cover a large cookie sheet with parchment paper and lay kale chips out evenly in one layer. Bake for 10-20 minutes, until they are to your desired crunchiness.

The secret to crispy chips is to not over crowd the pan when baking.  The first time I baked my chips they were sort of in a large heap on the cookie sheet.  The second time around, I used a larger cookie sheet allowing them room to be spread out.  They turned out much crispier!

XOXO - Katie

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