About foodlove

Hey Y'all!  foodlove, developed in 2013, is a food and recipe blog written by two cousins in Minnesota. We hope this blogs help you eat your way to a healthy lifestyle, while trying new recipes and having FUN.  All recipes include Weight Watchers® PointsPlus®.

About Katie...

Katie is a self taught chef and recipe developer, who loves a challenge in the kitchen. Her 'signature dish' is the 
holiday favorite yule log and she loves to make any elaborate, time consuming dessert. Katie loves to inspire people to create a healthy lifestyle through the food choices they make and a positive and open-minded attitude towards getting healthy! Katie has lost almost 60 points following Weight Watchers, and has been a Lifetime Member of the program since summer of 2013.

Food Motto: 'Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.' - Food Rules by Michael Pollan

Katie's Top FIVE Kitchen Tool Must-Haves (subject to change)
5. Garbage bowl - just like Rachel Ray! Having a garbage bowl or plastic bag for food scraps handy as you cook makes staying organized easy and cleaning up a breeze
Santoko knife - can be used for almost anything and makes you feel like a real chef!
3. Food scale - makes it easy to accurately measure difficult foods (ie: soup, bread, anything really!)
Immersion blender - allows you to puree without dirtying too many dishes or spilling half your soup all over the counter
1. Measuring cups! The key to portion control. Having several sets on hand makes measuring out your ice cream a no-brainer

About Megan...

Megan also has a sweet tooth and enjoys trying out new baked good recipes.  She likes to find new recipes to test out. 

Food Moto: Eating is all about trade-offs.  If you want to eat a piece of cake, eat it - but then have a salad for your next meal!

Megan's Top FIVE Kitchen Tool Must-Haves
5. Lemon zester - this tool is great for so much more than just lemons; use it to grate carrots or ginger
4. Clean as you cook!  When cooking with my fiance I make sure to clean as we go so once we have dinner complete there isn't a mound of dishes in the sink.
3. Tongs - you can never have enough tongs and they are useful for many different foods
2. Whisk - a variety of different sizes is essential - my favorite is the Mini Whisk from Pampered Chef (works great for homemade dressings)
1. PLENTY of cutting boards - similar to whisks, a variety of sizes is key!

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