
Blackberry, Granola, Yogurt Parfaits

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for new breakfast ideas!  I seem to get stuck in a rut and end up eating the same thing for breakfast during the week.  Usually this ends up being a granola bar, which can get pretty boring.  I came up with this really simple idea for a fruit and yogrut parfait!  I served this last weekend when my mom was in town for a quick and easy breakfast on Sunday morning.

Servings: 2
Serving Size: 1 parfait
Points Plus: 4pp
Level of Difficulty: SUPER easy!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: n/a

1 1/2 cups Chobani Simply 100 Greek yogurt, vanilla flavored
1/2 cup Back to Nature Classic granola
Fresh blackberries

Wash the blackberries and gently pat dry with a paper towel.  Portion out the yogurt into two bowls.  Each serving should be 3/4 cup.  Top the yogurt with 1/4 cup of granola and finish with a handful of blackberry.  Enjoy!

The options you can substitue into this basic partfait are basically unlimited!  Not a fan of blackberries? Choose blueberries or strawberries instead.  You can really mix things up with a different yogurt flavor!

XOXO Megan

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