
Smoothies in the HIZOUSE!

Happy Friday everyone! I pride myself in LOVING a challenge in the kitchen.  I love making elaborate complicated desserts that take all day.  But for some reason, the food that always intimidated me the most, was a simple smoothie.  Maybe it is the fact that I'm lazy and don't like washing my blender or maybe it is the fact that we are finally now just getting into spring and there is fresh fruit. Whatever the reason I pulled out my magic bullet the other weekend, and decided to face my fear.  And you know?  Making a smoothie is super EASY and filling (and pretty too). Below is my first recipe attempt, and watch for more to come!
Servings: 1
Serving Size: 1 smoothie
Points Plus: 2pp*
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: n/a
Level of difficulty: EASY!

1 banana
1/2 cup almond milk
1 handful of raspberries
1 handful of blueberries
1/2 cup low-fat vanilla Greek yogurt
A few ice cubes (optional)
Pull out your blender or magic bullet and add all ingredients. Turn that baby on and let it do it's work!  I have found that when using the magic bullet, if there isn't enough liquid, it won't work. Stop your device a few times to scrape the sides.  Blend until everything is incorporated.  Pour in a glass and enjoy with a straw!

As a member of Weight Watchers (lifetime member I might add) I have seen a lot of debate and questions about when to count points plus for fruit and when to put something, such as a smoothie into the recipe builder on e-tools.  For this recipe I only counted points plus for the non fruit items.  If you would like more information about this topic or would like me to send you articles from Weight Watchers talking about this topic please contact me through our comments section.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

XOXO - Katie

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